- Specialist PEM Lick
- Follow Up Treatment to BSave
- High Vitamin B1 Inclusion
- Bypass Protein
- Added Disaccharides
- Copper Cobalt Zinc
- High Vitamin A & E Level as Antioxidant
Grazeforce PEM
GrazeForce PEM is a formulation born out of in-creasing incidence across the country of Sheep and Cattle experiencing the condition Polioencephalo-malacia (PEM). PEM or Vitamin B1 defficieny is the result of reduced production of Vitamin B1 or break-down of existing B1.
GrazeForce PEM is used as a tool to continue sup-ply B1 to animals following treatment with BSave.
Addition Rate & Usage
Sheep: 20-30 grams/head/day.
Cattle: 200-250 grams/head/day.
Best supplemented to PEM affected mobs following treatment with BSave.