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Compass Feeds:
The Right Direction in Animal Production

Are you ready to take the right direction? Compass Feeds will lead the way, providing trusted, effective, and affordable stock feed.
Let our experienced staff guide you through unique custom blends of feed and supplements designed to best suit your animals.
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Adelaide show results – Unity College
Congratulations to Unity College Murray Bridge for their significant success at this years Royal Adelaide Show in classes across the Led Steer and School Wether Competition. This is our first year working on the feeding program with the Unity College Team. Well done to Deb Zimmerman and Chloe Trotta and the student team for their attention to detail with their ...
Weaning for profit
Weaning is a critical production phase in our calendar which is often managed in a very traditional way. A renewed focus on weaning management can improve early post-wearing growth and health, leading to improved daily weight gain and feed efficiency performance. Effective weaning management enables progeny to achieve target weights and sale much earlier, reducing the cost of production and ...
Podcast: Arthritis in Lambs, by Joan Lloyd
By Joan Lloyd, With lambing well underway or about to start across large parts of Australia it is timely to think about the health challenges faced by young sheep. One such challenge is arthritis or bacterial joint infections. Arthritis in lambs is common and costly. Our research indicates that approximately 50% of Australian sheep farms experience arthritis in their ...
Research on Pleurisy/Pneumonia in sheep achieves second milestone
Joan Lloyd - Veterinary Science Consultancy DOWNLOAD NEWSLETTER
Notes for SA sheep producers over the summer period
Jeremy Rogers - PIRSA Senior Veterinary Officer With wetter conditions expected over the summer months in early 2022 the incidence of parasites is likely to rise. Most producers will be familiar with blowflies, but in drier areas like the Murray Mallee, when there is significant summer rain (greater than 15mm), Barbers Pole worm (BPW) becomes a possibility. This is a ...