Lambgrow Non-Medicated

Lambgrow Zero IO pellet is for inclusion into Lamb feedlot rations. It is also suitable for containment feeding and supplementary feeding programs for all Sheep.
Lambgrow Zero IO Pellet delivers a range of key nutrients responsible for health, growth and feed efficiency and is effective in the management of rumen pH levels.

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  • High Specification
  • High Buffering Capacity
  • Designed for Lambs and Sheep
  • High B1 to Manage Pem
  • High Antioxidant Activity
  • Pelleted to Remain Suspended with Grain

Addition Rate & Usage

Thoroughly mix 2 x 25 kg bags with 1 tonne of finished feed for 7-10 days during production.
1 x 25kg bag with 1 tonne of finished feed through the finishing phase.

For addition to Lamb feedlot diets or containment and supplementary grain feeding programs.