- High Antioxidant Activity
- Easy Low Volume Oral Dose
- Smooth Muscle Function
- Immune System Function
- Bone Growth & Strength
- Stress Management Tool
Maxivit Vitamin A, D & E Liquid Supplement
Maxivit ADE is an oral, low dose supplement for Sheep and Cattle. Vitamins A & E play vital roles in anti-oxidant activity and the support of immune response and membrane health in all animals. Vitamin D has many roles, importantly in young animals it is linked to bone growth and in production females it controls blood Calcium and Phosphorus levels alongside other hormones.
Addition Rate & Usage
Sheep: Adult 10ml/hd Lambs 5ml/hd
Cattle : Adult 50ml/hd Calves 25ml/hd
Ideally supplemented prior to key production phases or stress events, and prior to the dry season.