- High Energy Supplement
- High Magnesium Supplement
- Easy Application as Oral Drench
- Easy Application via Water Trough
- Reduce Agitation & Flight Response
- Maintain Appetite
Transforce Liquid
Transforce Liquid is a suspension liquid for use as a stress management tool for Sheep or Cattle. Transforce is a high energy supplement with added rumen buffers and glycine and a strong focus on delivering levels of key Minerals, Trace Elements and Vitamins that supports an animals ability to maintain digestion, metabolism, enzyme systems and cellular function through times of stress.
Addition Rate & Usage
Sheep & Goats: Adult 30ml/hd Lambs/Kids 20ml/hd
Cattle: Adult 300ml/hd Calves 200ml/hd
Two doses are recommended.
Treatment is suggested for the day of and following a stress event. For Pre-Transport treatment, two doses in the two days prior to Transport are recommended.